One of the most important system in the engine is the lubrication. Therefore, the oil level should always be between the marks “Min” and “Max” in the dipstick, ensuring that the pump is capable of capturing the necessary oil in the crankcase and to secure that the lubricant does not reach the tops of cylinders and combustion chambers of the engine, both cases of totally undesirable effects. The first situation can damage and can even break of the engine, the second situation results in excessive charring which causes irregularity in the process and loss of performance.

The owner must be aware of the manufacturer recommendations regarding the specifications of oil and the occasions for exchange. It is very important to consider the type of vehicle utilization, with direct influence on these exchanges. If the car is used in short distance, less than 10 km, running most of time very slowly, moving in extremely dusty environment, always travel on the walk-and-stop cities traffic, and used for towing heavy loads, the moment of the oil exchange should be shortened by 50{f8abb4491e2a97c6f3f61e27580e43f022bf9247b14e411a7365df735a23d0b8}, both in mileage and in time.

Another point with extreme importance is the oil filter, which is designed to hold many different impurities, which otherwise would remain in circulation in the engine, causing reduction of its life or even critical damage. The manufacturer instructions should also be followed in relation to the filter, usually replacing it in first oil change and then every two. A good option is the oil filter from WIX brand, whose quality is proven by the satisfaction of thousands of owners.