Customer Service Speaker Says: You Have An Impossible Job!

Customer Service Speaker Says: You Have An Impossible Job!

I was waiting for a space in a busy supermarket parking lot this afternoon, and thinking I waited my turn, I started guiding the car into a spot.

A burly guy with a safety vest and mop of unruly hair started to yell at me, saying some other car was first in line. He had no way of knowing that because there are two entrances, and he was manning only one.

I came in the other way, out of his field of view, and I had been waiting patiently.

Anyway, lucky for us, two spots opened at nearly the same time, he relented, and I completed the parking job I had initiated.

As I passed him on the way in I said, in the kindest voice I could summon, “You should hand out numbers–really!” and he replied, “Right.”

To free up the parking spot as quickly as possible, I shopped hastily, returned to the lot, and said as I was approaching my car: “You have an impossible job!”

He nodded, apparently relieved I was being civil, and replied, “Thank you for your empathy!”

We waved as I departed, and peace reigned on Earth once more.

Some customer service folks are asked to do impossible jobs. His is emblematic of them.

If he pleases one customer, he displeases another.

It is never a win + win proposition for him, because he almost always seems to be favoring one over another.

Anyway, seeing how magical that line is, “You have an impossible job,” I suggest you use it the next time you see someone in his sort of bind.

Not only will it be appreciated, but you’ll reduce tensions, and the next time he sees you, well, you’ll just have to forgive him if he lets you go first!